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- ; StopMenu Install Script
- ; $Id: Install,v 1.5 2000/06/29 13:59:20 damir Rel $
- ; (C)2000 Damir Arh
- ; Installs StopMenu
- ;-------------------------------------------------
- ; string declaration
- (set #select-dest
- (cat "Please select where you want StopMenu to be installed.\n"
- "A new drawer will be created.")
- )
- (set #create-dest
- (cat "Creating destination drawer")
- )
- (set #copy-icon
- (cat "Copying drawer icon")
- )
- (set #copy-files
- (cat "Copying program files")
- )
- (set #copy-example
- (cat "Copying a sample menu")
- )
- (set #copy-setting
- (cat "Copying sample StopMenu settings")
- )
- (set #copy-starter
- (cat "Setting up StopMenu autostart")
- )
- (set #copy-newicon
- (cat "Copying newicon.library")
- )
- (set #copy-thomson
- (cat "Copying thomson.library")
- )
- (set #copy-wbstart
- (cat "Copying wbstart.library")
- )
- (set #copy-fonts
- (cat "Copying fonts")
- )
- (set #modify-startup
- (cat "Modifying User-Startup file")
- )
- (set #exit
- (cat "Congratulations!\n"
- "You have succesfully installed StopMenu.")
- )
- (set #select-icons
- (cat "Select which icons do you want the installer to set as default. "
- "The other icons will also be installed. Check the documentation on "
- "how to change the used ones.")
- )
- (set #choice-newicon "NewIcons style")
- (set #choice-glowicon "GlowIcon style")
- (set #bit-newicon %0)
- (set #bit-glowicon %1)
- ;-------------------------------------------------
- ; initialization
- (set #source-dir (pathonly @icon))
- (set #dest-dir
- (askdir
- (prompt #select-dest)
- (help @askdir-help)
- (default @default-dest)
- )
- )
- (set @default-dest (tackon #dest-dir "StopMenu"))
- (if (= (exists @default-dest) 0)
- (
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #copy-icon)
- (source (tackon #source-dir "external/StopMenu.info"))
- (dest #dest-dir)
- (noposition)
- )
- (makedir @default-dest
- (prompt #create-dest)
- )
- )
- )
- (set #icons
- (askchoice
- (prompt #select-icons)
- (help @askchoice-help)
- (choices
- #choice-newicon
- #choice-glowicon
- )
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- (complete 20)
- ;------------------------------------------------
- ; copying
- (if (= #icons #bit-newicon)
- (set #icons-filename "all/newicons")
- (set #icons-filename "all/glowicons")
- )
- (rename
- (tackon #source-dir #icons-filename)
- (tackon #source-dir "all/icons")
- (prompt "")
- (help "")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #copy-files)
- (source (tackon #source-dir "all"))
- (dest @default-dest)
- (noposition)
- (all)
- )
- (rename
- (tackon #source-dir "all/icons")
- (tackon #source-dir #icons-filename)
- (prompt "")
- (help "")
- )
- (if (= (exists (tackon @default-dest "StopMenu.menus")) 0)
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #copy-example)
- (source (tackon #source-dir "external/StopMenu.menus"))
- (dest @default-dest)
- )
- )
- (if (= (exists (tackon @default-dest "StopMenu.prefs")) 0)
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #copy-setting)
- (source (tackon #source-dir "external/StopMenu.prefs"))
- (dest @default-dest)
- )
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #copy-starter)
- (source (tackon #source-dir "external/StopMenuStarter.info"))
- (dest "SYS:WBStartup")
- )
- (complete 40)
- (copylib
- (prompt #copy-newicon)
- (source (tackon #source-dir "libs/newicon.library"))
- (dest "LIBS:")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #copy-thomson)
- (source (tackon #source-dir "libs/thomson.library"))
- (dest "LIBS:")
- )
- (copylib
- (prompt #copy-wbstart)
- (source (tackon #source-dir "libs/wbstart.library"))
- (dest "LIBS:")
- )
- (complete 60)
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #copy-fonts)
- (source (tackon #source-dir "fonts"))
- (dest "FONTS:")
- (all)
- )
- (complete 80)
- (startup "StopMenu"
- (prompt #modify-startup)
- (help @startup-help)
- (command (cat "Assign StopMenu: " @default-dest))
- )
- (makeassign "StopMenu" @default-dest)
- (complete 100)
- ;-------------------------------------------------
- ; installation completed
- (exit #exit)